Recent Projects




Baseline Social Conditions Report and Design Brief, Master Plan for Three Major Public Housing Estates, Department of Health and Human Services


Public Place assessed the likely social impacts of a proposed program of urban re-development at three of Melbourne’s major public housing estates.


The project included a detailed review of materials which investigate the efficacy of urban regeneration projects in facilitating improved social outcomes, a baseline study of existing physical and social conditions – focussing on the character and value of social networks of existing residents - and provision of design recommendations regarding the most effective approach to urban regeneration.



Licensed Premises Planning Policy, City of Yarra


Public Place is preparing a local planning policy for licenced premises in the City of Yarra. As part of the strategic planning process Public Place is conducting research to establish the nature of links between the character, number and distribution of licenced premises in an area and various social impacts (positive and negative).


Stakeholder consultation is being undertaken with local police and service provision agencies to identify existing issues relating to licenced premises.



Positive Ageing Plan, Macedon Ranges Shire


Public Place is currently developing a Positive Ageing Plan for Macedon Ranges Shire. The Plan will recognise that there are a variety of circumstances among older residents - many are healthy, active and looking for ways to contribute to their local community whereas as others require intensive support with daily activities.  



Social Impact Assessment, Echuca-Moama Bridge, VicRoads


Public Place assessed the social impacts associated with a proposal construct the Echuca-Moama Bridge. A second crossing of the Murray River in Echuca has the potential to improve traffic flows and increase security of access for local residents who rely on facilities and services delivered on both sides of the river.


However, like all major infrastructure projects, negative impacts are also a possibility. To establish the nature and extent of positive and negative social impacts, Public Place conducted face-to-face interviews with community stakeholders and analysed population and traffic figures.



Amcor Community Facilities Review, City of Yarra


Public Place is engaged by City of Yarra to undertake social planning work relating to the Amcor site, one of the largest urban renewal sites in inner Melbourne.


Tasks completed to date include a community infrastructure assessment, development of a dynamic population model for the site and preparation of responses to submission made by local interest groups.



Knox Early Years Hubs - Strategic and Financial Impact Assessment, City of Knox


Public Place assessed the supply and demand for early year’s services in Knox and the potential to consolidate services into three strategic hub developments. We then developed architectural plans for the required hubs, costed the plans and developed a cost benefit model to compere costs associated with the hub scenario and status quo.


The model included inputs such as the value of existing properties, cost of maintenance, and likely improvements in business performance for Council LDC facilities delivered from hubs.



Evaluation of New Norlane Housing Initiative, DHS


The Initiative is a Victorian Government project to build 320 new affordable homes on 200 vacant blocks of land in the northern Geelong suburb of Norlane. Public Place is using a survey of residents and a number of secondary data sources to monitor and evaluate the changes created by the initiative.



Gaming Planning Policy, Cardinia Shire


Public Place worked with Ten Consulting to prepare a EGMs local planning policy for the Cardinia Shire. The Policy balances the competing objectives of facilitating access to electronic gaming and also minimising harm by limiting very high level of convenience.



Planning for the Future Survey


Public Place analysed survey data collected as part of an 800+ person telephone survey conducted in City of Yarra. A range of analytical techniques were used to interrogate the data. For example, latent class analysis was used to create market segments reflecting attitudes to high density development using responses to multiple demographic and attitudinal questions.