Recent Projects




A Guide for Community Infrastructure Planning in Urban Renewal Areas, Metropolitan Planning Authority


Public Place developed a guide/manual for Local Governments to assist them when conducting planning for community infrastructure in urban renewal areas. Consultation with various stakeholders including the inner metropolitan Councils and review of methods being employed in other jurisdictions was undertaken to inform the Guide.



Study of Pedestrian Safety at Night, City of Yarra


Public Place investigated community perceptions of pedestrian safety at night in City of Yarra using a range of data sources, including data generated as part of an annual customer satisfaction survey. Locations thought to be unsafe for pedestrians at night were identified and mitigating actions suggested.



Yarraville High School Needs Assessment, City of Maribyrnong


Public Place conducted assessed of the need for a new public secondary school in Yarraville. The assessment included analysis of the capacity of existing schools and the spatial extent of their usage catchment, local generated demand for government high school places, and construction of a number of future population and ‘yield’ scenarios.